In my artistic practice I tend to use image-related medium
such as photography and film but I’m also using archives
and photo books when needed.

For film projects, I also write the scripts and do the editing.
Lately I’ve been experimenting with installations, which led
me to use more sculptural materials such as iron and rock.

I usually start to work with a very specific subject,
sometimes a location or a story, or a discovery I make in
regional archives library. I am mainly interested in peculiar
and out of the ordinary topics, that often involves natural
and geological phenomenons, historical curiosities or
atypical characters.

I use the same approach as a
documentary filmmaker but try to twist it in different kind
of mediums, also I’m deeply interested in cinema and
therefore focus on the fictional aspects some subjects can

Sometimes I work with musician friends by doing
music video, which is in my opinion a great way to

I’m a curious person who loves to dig in specific topics, and
that is probably what reflects best in my work. Most of my
interests come from my childhood and growing up during
the early 2000’s but also from the place I live in and the
people I meet there. Most of the time I stumble upon a
subject that triggers my curiosity and makes me wanna do
something with it